April, 2021
- We're hiring! The Visual Cognition Lab and Fernanda Ferreira's Psycholinguistics Lab are searching for a full-time Junior Specialist. This is a great position for a student who has graduated and is planning to apply to graduate school. See the ad here: https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF04117.
- Welcome Ani Abovian, who will be joining the lab as a PhD student starting Fall 2022! Ani is graduating from UCSD and will be co-supervised by John Henderson and Andy Yonelinas.
- Congratulations Zoe Loh, currently an undergrad RA and cogsci major in the lab, who will be joining the PhD program at the University of California Merced starting Fall 2022
March, 2021
- Congratulations Candace Peacock, currently a graduate student in the lab, who will be taking up a post-doc position at the University of Colorado at Boulder, starting Fall 2021!
January, 2021
- Congratulations Deb Cronin, currently a post-doc in the lab, who has accepted a tenure track faculty position at Drake University starting Fall 2021!
- Welcome Michael Gomez, who will be joining the lab as a post-doc starting summer 2021!
September, 2020
- Congratulations to Candace Peacock, who has started a six month graduate student internship at Facebook's Reality Labs.
August, 2020
- The Visual Cognition Lab has received renewed funding from the National Eye Institute of the NIH to continue investigating scene semantics and attention.
July, 2020
- The Visual Cognition Lab is happy has received new funding from the National Science Foundation to investigate attentional processes in scene perception.
February, 2020
- Congratulations Zoe Loh, Anthony Lagunda, and Anyk Cajucom! All three had their posters accepted at the 31st Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities conference coming in April at UC Davis. All three are conducing their research in the Visual Cognition Lab.
- Congratulations to Michelle Ramey, who has has a first-author paper accepted at Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. The paper is based on part of Michelle's PhD research in the Visual Cognition Lab and is in collaboration with Andy Yonelinas. A link to the paper can be found on the publications page.
January, 2020
- Congratulations Zoe Loh! Zoe has just won a Provost's Undergraduate Fellowship for her work in the lab on the relationship between working memory and eye movement behavior in active vision.
December, 2019
- Great work by lab members to submit four VSS abstracts and two CUNY abstracts all within two weeks. Whew! Now we wait to hear what gets accepted for talks!
November, 2019
- OPAM and Psychonomics: Congratulations to lab members Candace Peacock and Deborah Cronin for presenting their recent work at the OPAM and Psychonomic Society meetings in Montreal. Lots of interest and great feedback from the workshop and conference! The lab was also well-represented at OPAM by Deb, who was one of this year's four organizers.
July, 2019
- Congratulations to grad student Candace Peackock for her new first-author paper accepted at Acta Psychologica. The paper is titled "The Role of Meaning in Attentional Guidance during Free Viewing of Real-world Scenes". Preprint: https://tinyurl.com/y5gc76bx
June, 2019
- Congratulations to post-doc Taylor Hayes for his new first-author paper accepted at Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Scene semantics involuntarily guide attention during visual search. Preprint here: https://psyarxiv.com/nqme8
- Congratulations to grad student Candace Peacock for her appointment to the UC Davis Vision Sciences T32 training grant for the 2019-2020 academic year!
May, 2019
- Congratulations to Taylor Hayes for winning a VSS post-doctoral scholar travel award to attend the 2019 conference!
- Congratulations to post-doc Deb Cronin for her appointment as an Object Perception Attention and Memory (OPAM) organizer starting with the November 2019 meeting in Montreal!